Author Archives: Chen Zhong

Improving Efficiency and Equity of Ambulance Services through Advanced Demand Modelling

Demand for Ambulance Services in England has risen dramatically over recent years, with growing pressure anticipated for future years. The disparity between the increasing demand and limited ambulance resources makes the major challenge for maintaining a high-quality service. In 2017, NHS England undertook a significant national reform called the Ambulance Response Programme (ARP), designed to address efficiency and performance issues. It noted the over-use of immediate dispatch decisions and the insufficient allocation of resources to incidents. Key issues concerned: the quality of care; its cost-effectiveness, and the equality of provision across areas and population groups. In view of the growing pressures of NHS, and the necessity of ambulance services to understand the needs of the populations they serve, the proposed PhD project aims to develop an advanced demand prediction model for ambulance services taking LAS as a case study.

The research is to find the best correlated socioeconomic, environmental, and spatiotemporal factors and to model these factors as predictors of ambulance demand.

The project is funded by the ESRC DTP and in collaboration with London Ambulance Service. The PhD student working on this project is Samuel Murphy.

open positions

We are recruiting a Research Fellow and a 3 years PhD both around the theme of Urban Mobility analysis and modelling at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London. The candidates are expected to have high motivation for research and enjoy working in an international and cross-disciplinary team.

The Research Fellow position is intended for full-time work. Research should start asap in June/July 2020. The closing date is 12 May 2021.

Link to the full job post:

The funded PhD position is expected to start this fall. It is open to UK/EU and international students and supported at the same level. That means international students might need other financial sources to match up the cost. The application deadline is 31 May 2021.

Link to the full job post:

I would very much appreciate it if you could share this with potential candidates, or, please contact me for any questions and make formal application if you are the one.

SIMETRI: SustaInable Mobility and Equality in mega-ciTy RegIons: patterns, mechanisms and governance

SIMETRI is funded by the NSFC JPI Urban Europe programme, running from May 2019 – 2022.

SIMETRI brings together researchers from University College London, Birkbeck University of London, King’s College London, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Institute of Research and Innovation, The University of Hong Kong, and Sun Yat-sen University. It is to develop a world-class science platform relevant to political decision-makers responsible for housing, transport, employment and urban development in the world’s biggest mega-city region, the Pearl River Delta Greater Bay Area. The platform integrates work on inequality indicators and predicting future land use and transport developed in western Europe in London and the Randstad with related work in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, producing a system that will use state-of-the-art simulation models, big data from routine transport, and new ways of using information technology for participatory governance. 

The UK team (UCL-BBK-KCL) is leading Work Package 3 – Indicators for sustainable mega-city region development, which has four research tasks:

T3.1. Indicators of spatio-social segregation
T3.2. Indicators for measuring mobility and relocation patterns
T3.3. Indicators for measuring social inequality
T3.4. Comparative analysis of inequality on 3 mega-city regions

Link to the project website:

Link to the proposal:

Currently, we have Bowen Zhang working on a dissertation titled “Modelling Urban Clusters in Mega-city Region based on Human Mobility Pattern” and Dr. Qili Gao who joined us recently as a Research Fellow. Her work focus on spatial-temporal data mining, urban informatics, and analysis on human mobility and activity behaviours for urban and transport planning. Each year, we have several CASA MSc students joining us for a short dissertation project over the summer.

Zipf, Power-laws, and Pareto

this is a repost from

Zipf, Power-laws, and Pareto – a ranking tutorial

Thanks to the author,

Lada A. Adamic

Information Dynamics Lab
Information Dynamics Lab, HP Labs
Palo Alto, CA 94304

it is a very clear brief introduction. I copied and pasted it here for my self -study. all credits belong to the author Lada A. Adamic. thanks again.

btw, the fantastic cover image is downloaded from here in case you want a wall paper.

Many man made and naturally occurring phenomena, including city sizes, incomes, word frequencies, and earthquake magnitudes, are distributed according to a power-law distribution. A power-law implies that small occurrences are extremely common, whereas large instances are extremely rare. This regularity or ‘law’ is sometimes also referred to as Zipf and sometimes Pareto. To add to the confusion, the laws alternately refer to ranked and unranked distributions. Here we show that all three terms, Zipf, power-law, and Pareto, can refer to the same thing, and how to easily move from the ranked to the unranked distributions and relate their exponents.

A line appears on a log-log plot. One hears shouts of “Zipf!”,”power-law!”,”Pareto”! Well, which one is it? The answer is that it’s quite possibly all three. Let’s try to disentangle some of the confusion surrounding these matters and then tie it all back neatly together.

All three terms are used to describe phenomena where large events are rare, but small ones quite common. For example, there are few large earthquakes but many small ones. There are a few mega-cities, but many small towns. There are few words, such as ‘and’ and ‘the’ that occur very frequently, but many which occur rarely.

Zipf’s law usually refers to the ‘size’ y of an occurrence of an event relative to it’s rank r. George Kingsley Zipf, a Harvard linguistics professor, sought to determine the ‘size’ of the 3rd or 8th or 100th most common word. Size here denotes the frequency of use of the word in English text, and not the length of the word itself. Zipf’s law states that the size of the r’th largest occurrence of the event is inversely proportional to it’s rank:
y ~ r-b, with b close to unity.

Pareto was interested in the distribution of income. Instead of asking what the th largest income is, he asked how many people have an income greater than x. Pareto’s law is given in terms of the cumulative distribution function (CDF), i.e. the number of events larger than x is an inverse power of x:
P[X > x] ~ x-k.
It states that there are a few multi-billionaires, but most people make only a modest income.

What is usually called a power law distribution tells us not how many people had an income greater than x, but the number of people whose income is exactly x. It is simply the probability distribution function (PDF) associated with the CDF given by Pareto’s Law. This means that
P[X = x] ~ x-(k+1) = x-a.
That is the exponent of the power law distribution a = 1+k (where k is the Pareto distribution shape parameter).
See Appendix 1 for discussion of Pareto and power-law.

Although the literature surrounding both the Zipf and Pareto distributions is vast, there are very few direct connections made between Zipf and Pareto, and when they exist, it is by way of a vague reference [1] or an overly complicated mathematical analysis[2,3]. Here I show a simple and direct relationship between the two by walking through an example using real data.

Recently, attention has turned to the internet which seems to display quite a number of power-law distributions: the number of visits to a site [4], the number of pages within a site [5], and the number of links to a page [6], to name a few. My example will be the distribution of visits to web sites.

Figure 1a below shows the distribution of AOL users’ visits to various sites on a December day in 1997. One can observe that a few sites get upward of 2000 visitors, whereas most sites got only a few visits (70,000 sites received only a single visit). The distribution is so extreme that if the full range was shown on the axes, the curve would be a perfect L shape. Figure 1b below shows the same plot, but on a log-log scale the same distribution shows itself to be linear. This is the characteristic signature of a power-law.

distribution of AOL users among sites - linear plot histogram of the number of AOL users visiting each site
Fig. 1a Linear scale plot of the distribution of users among web sites Fig. 1b Log-log scale plot of the distribution of users among web sites

Let y = number of sites that were visited by x users.
In a power-law we have y = C x-a which means that log(y) = log(C) – a log(x)
So a power-law with exponent a is seen as a straight line with slope -a on a log-log plot.

Now one just might be tempted to fit the curve in Fig. 1b to a line to extract the exponent a. A word of caution is in order here. The tail end of the distribution in Fig. 1b is ‘messy’ – there are only a few sites with a large number of visitors. For example, the most popular site,, had 129,641 visitors, but the next most popular site had only 25,528. Because there are so few data points in that range, simply fitting a straight line to the data in Fig. 1b gives a slope that is too shallow (a = 1.17). To get a proper fit, we need to bin the data into exponentially wider bins (they will appear evenly spaced on a log scale) as shown in Fig. 2a. A clean linear relationship now extends over 4 decades (1-104) users vs. the earlier 2 decades: (1-100) users. We are now able to extract the correct exponent a = 2.07. Rather than binning logarithmically, one can instead look at the Pareto cumulative distribution P[X > x] ~ x-k to obtain a good fit. The tail naturally smooths out in the cumulative distribution and no data is ‘obscured’ as in the logarithmic binning procedure. Fitting the cumulative distribution, we find an exponent of a = 2.16, quite close to the a=2.07 exponent found with the logarithmic binning procedure (both fits are shown in Figure 2b).

binned histogram of number of AOL users visiting each site cumulative histogram of number of AOL users visiting each site
Fig. 2a Binned distribution of users to sites Fig. 2b Cumulative distribution of users to sites

So far we have only looked at the power-law PDF of sites visits. In order to see Zipf’s law, we need to plot the number of visitors to each site against its rank. Fig. 3 shows such a plot for the same data set of AOL users’ site visits. The relationship is nearly linear on a log-log plot, and the slope is -1, which makes it Zipf. In order for there to be perfectly linear relationship, the most popular sites would have to be slightly popular, and the less popular sites slightly more numerous. It might be worthwhile to fit this distribution with alternate distributions, such as the stretched exponential [7], or parabolic fractal [8]. In any case, most would happy to call this rank distribution Zipf, and we will call it Zipf here as well.

ranked plot of the number of AOL users visiting each site
Fig. 3 Sites rank ordered by their popularity

At first, it appears that we have discovered two separate power laws, one produced by ranking the variables, the other by looking at the frequency distribution. Some papers even make the mistake of saying so [9]. But the key is to formulate the rank distribution in the proper way to see its direct relationship to the Pareto. The phrase “The r th largest city has n inhabitants” is equivalent to saying “r cities have n or more inhabitants”. This is exactly the definition of the Pareto distribution, except the x and y axes are flipped. Whereas for Zipf, r is on the x-axis and n is on the y-axis, for Pareto, r is on the y-axis and n is on the x-axis. Simply inverting the axes, we get that if the rank exponent is b, i.e.
n ~ r-b in Zipf,   (n = income, r = rank of person with income n)
then the Pareto exponent is 1/b so that
r ~ n-1/b   (n = income, r = number of people whose income is n or higher)
(See Appendix 2 for details).

Of course, since the power-law distribution is a direct derivative of Pareto’s Law, its exponent is given by (1+1/b). This also implies that any process generating an exact Zipf rank distribution must have a strictly power-law probability density function. As demonstrated with the AOL data, in the case b = 1, the power-law exponent a = 2.

Finally, instead of touting two separate power-laws, we have confirmed that they are different ways of looking at the same thing.


The author would like to thank Bernardo Huberman, Rajan Lukose, and Eytan Adar for their advice and comments.


1. Per Bak, “How Nature Works: The science of self-organized criticality”, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996.

2. G. Troll and P. beim Graben (1998), “Zipf’s law is not a consequence of the central limit theorem”, Phys. Rev. E, 57(2):1347-1355.

3. R. Gunther, L. Levitin, B. Shapiro, P. Wagner (1996), “Zipf’s law and the effect of ranking on probability distributions”, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 35(2):395-417

4. L.A. Adamic and B.A. Huberman (2000), “The Nature of Markets in the World Wide Web”, QJEC 1(1):5-12.

5. B.A. Huberman and L.A. Adamic (1999), “Growth Dynamics of the World Wide Web”, Nature 401:131.

6. R. Albert, H. Jeoung, A-L Barabasi, “The Diameter of the World Wide Web”, Nature 401:130.

7. Jean Laherrere, D Sornette (1998), “Stretched exponential distributions in Nature and Economy: ‘Fat tails’ with characteristic scales”, European Physical Journals, B2:525-539.

8. Jean Laherrere (1996), “‘Parabolic fractal’ distributions in Nature”.

9. M. Faloutsos, P. Faloutsos, and C. Faloutsos, “On Power-Law Relationships of the Internet Topology”, SIGCOMM ’99 pp. 251-262.

10. N. Johnson, S. Kotz, N. Balakrishnan, “Continuous Univariate Distributions Vol. 1”, Wiley, New York, 1994.


Appendix 1: The Pareto Distribution

The Pareto distribution gives the probability that a person’s income is greater than or equal to x and is expressed as [10]:

Pr[X >= x] = (m/x)k,     m > 0, k > 0, x >= m,

where m represents a minimum income.
As a consequence, the CDF

Pr[X < x] = 1 – (m/x)k

and the PDF is

pX(x) = k mkx-(k+1),      m > 0, k > 0, x >= m

Note that the shape parameter of the Pareto distribution, k, equals a-1, where a is the power law slope. Also note that for a < 2 there is no finite mean for the distribution. Presumably because of this, the Pareto distribution is sometimes given with k > 1, but the k > 0 definition is more widely used.

Another property, which holds for all k, not just those k not giving a finite mean, is that the distribution is said to be “scale-free”, or lacking a “characteristic length scale”. This means that no matter what range of x one looks at, the proportion of small to large events is the same, i.e., the slope of the curve on any section of the log-log plot is the same.

Appendix 2: From Zipf’s ranked distribution to powerlaw PDFs

Let the slope of the ranked plot be b.

Then the expected value E[Xr ] of the rth ranked variable Xr is given by

E[Xr ] ~ C1*r-b,     C1 a normalization constant,

which means that there are r variables with expected value greater than or equal to C1*r-b:

P[X >= C1*r-b] = C2*r

Changing variables we get:

P[X >= y] ~ y-(1/b)

To get the PDF from the CDF, we take the derivative with respect to y:

Pr[X == y] ~ y-(1+(1/b)) = y-a.

Which gives the desired correspondence between the two exponents.

a = 1+(1/b)


Developing an Accessibility Box

Can’t say it is really fun, but good to gain an overview of Accessibility measure in such way. The draft version of the accessibility measure box is Done!!!! yeah!!!!

Everything written in Python, and will be published as open source tool. or a Qgis Plugin in. 12+ accessibility measure(very simple ones) added in according the notes given by my advisor. I will add more “modern ones” from my own exploration after finishing those “classic ones”. So continuing developing. ….

Don’t really like Python, still. Maybe I was in Java for too long time. But I have to say… it is continent, even though I am quite sure about why.

Look! I haven’t really double check the calculations, but the results seem all right. first on is accessibility by car, and second picture is accessibility by foot, the cover page is by underground. (sort of make sense) Dark blue means higher accessibility while lighter means lower. 


Variability in Regularity – call for partners

Paper is online now –>

Variability in Regularity: Mining Temporal Mobility Patterns in London, Singapore and Beijing Using Smart-Card Data

It was fast process. 1.5 month in review and 0.5 month revision and then online. The motivation to publish on Plosone is just that simple- because all my colleagues have at least one. So I did it. (Sounds a bit silly)

But another serious reason, is that, I want to advertise this work as soon as possible, and get more collaborators to join us. I like the title of this paper quite a lot – “variability in regularity” and if you read through the paper, you will find a sort of “regularity in variability” we found. isn’t it beautiful the type of “paradox”… in patterns and universal laws.

I am happy with the publication, though I am not quite happy with the result we got there, which is rather tentative than comprehensive. There is a rough plan in my mind to further develop this comparative idea:

characterizing cities from mobility patterns


explaining the variability from urban context


urban scenarios towards improving urban mobility and related.

let me know if you want to join us….





PCA(Principal Component Analysis)是一种常用的数据分析方法。PCA通过线性变换将原始数据变换为一组各维度线性无关的表示,可用于提取数据的主要特征分量,常用于高维数据的降维。网上关于PCA的文章有很多,但是大多数只描述了PCA的分析过程,而没有讲述其中的原理。这篇文章的目的是介绍PCA的基本数学原理,帮助读者了解PCA的工作机制是什么。




(日期, 浏览量, 访客数, 下单数, 成交数, 成交金额)
























































































































因此,PCA也存在一些限制,例如它可以很好的解除线性相关,但是对于高阶相关性就没有办法了,对于存在高阶相关性的数据,可以考虑Kernel PCA,通过Kernel函数将非线性相关转为线性相关,关于这点就不展开讨论了。另外,PCA假设数据各主特征是分布在正交方向上,如果在非正交方向上存在几个方差较大的方向,PCA的效果就大打折扣了。



Transport Geography


————— the position of my field.   ————-from Haggett 2001.

Transport geography is a sub-discipline of geography concerned about the mobility of people, freight and information. It seeks to understand the spatial organization of mobility by considering its attributes and constraints as they relate to the origin, destination, extent, nature and purpose of movements.”

This is the book I found really useful during my PhD study, and I am still reading it some times.

The geography of transport systems

I have been once asked a question about network analysis.  – Why do you think network is so important that you want to further develop the complex network analysis approach in your research?

A very disorganized answer was given…. then. Here I quote one sentence –

” since geography seeks to explain spatial relationships, transport networks are of specific interest because they are the main physical support of these interactions.”

Measuring variability of mobility patterns from multiday smart-card data

you can find the full paper here , free access to your article, and is valid for 50 days, until July 9, 2015. I chose a green pass publication.

Highlights of the paper

a framework for measuring variability based on level of details.
  •    of individuals
  •    of stations
  •    of areas
analytical methods for measuring variability at different levels.
 A case study of Singapore was conducted using one-week smart-card data.
Insights were made into the transit, social and urban dynamics in Singapore.



早上来办公室看了一篇腾讯图话。 – 被遗落的村庄

